Monday, July 16, 2012

"Ron was great. Wonderful. Stunned one of the Death Eaters, straight to the head, and when you're aiming at a moving target from a flying broom —"
—Nymphadora Tonks commenting on Ron battling the Death Eaters

In late July, he participated in the Order's operation to remove Harry from his childhood home, taking Polyjuice Potion to be one of the "seven Potters." He flew with Nymphadora Tonks; they were pursued by at least three Death Eaters during the battle, including Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange. Ronstunned one Death Eater in the face while flying. Ron reassured Hermione by nuzzling her back slightly upon landing as she had been quite worried about him and he was saddened at the death of Mad-Eye Moody. He was also saddened by the death of Harry's beloved pet owl Hedwig, which he comforted Harry over. Ron became concerned when Harry had a vision of Garrick Ollivander being tortured by Lord Voldemort.

Once Ron, Harry, and Hermione were all convened at the Burrow, they made plans to leave, much to the displeasure of Ron's worried mother. During the preparations for Bill's wedding, Mrs. Weasley set Ron, Harry, and Hermione to separate tasks to prevent them from planning. On Harry's seventeenth birthday, Ron gave Harry a copy of Twelve Fail-Safe Ways to Charm Witches. Later that evening, Minister for Magic Rufus Scrimgeour visited the Burrow to dispense the contents of Dumbledore's will. He questioned the trio, and Ron let slip that they had no idea why Dumbledore would bequeath anything to him. Ron received Dumbledore's Deluminator.

Escape from the Burrow

"You're amazing, you are."
—Ron complimenting Hermione, after realising that she had packed their things already
The trio attended the wedding in which all summer they had been forced to prepare The Burrow for, the marrying couple was Ron's older brother Bill to Fleur Delacour on 1 August. Ron was irked that Viktor Krum was a guest, especially since he immediately complimented Hermione, who Ron quickly asked to dance shortly afterwards. When Viktor Krum asked a disguised Harry about the pair, he was disappointed to learn that they were "sort of" together.

The celebrations were interrupted with the news that the Ministry of Magic had fallen to Voldemort, and Hermione Disapparatedherself, Ron and Harry away from the danger to Tottenham Court Road. This was the starting point to the trio's adventure and search for the Horcruxes they needed to bring down Lord Voldemort. After they arrived at a small café they were ambushedby Death Eaters Antonin Dolohov and Thorfinn Rowle there and a skirmish broke out, after stunning and wiping the memories of the Death Eaters the trio took refuge in Harry's inherited house 12 Grimmauld Place left to him by Sirius Black.

Infiltration of the Ministry of Magic

Ron: "Dad said everyone from Magical maintenance wears navy blue robes."
Hermione: "But you never told us that!"
— Hermione regarding the infiltration plan

There, the trio learned from Kreacher that Regulus Black had stolen the Horcrux Voldemort had made of Salazar Slytherin's Locket in1979, and that it had been stolen from 12 Grimmauld Place byMundungus Fletcher. Under interrogation, he informed them that the locket was now in the possession of Dolores Umbridge.
While they were waiting for Kreacher to fetch Mundungus, they were visited by Remus Lupin. He informed the trio about the goings on in the wider Wizarding world. He told them that Harry was now the most wanted wizard in Britain and that Muggle-born wizards and witches were being rounded up. Ron immediately said that he would vouch for Hermione causing her to affectionately touch his hand. The pair had fallen asleep holding hands during their first night at Grimmauld Place.
They formulated a plan to infiltrate the Ministry, involving the use of Polyjuice Potion to assume the forms of Ministry employees. Ron, disguised as Reginald Cattermole, quickly found himself forced to separate from his friends, as Death Eater and new head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement Yaxley demanded that "Cattermole" fix the rain in his office.

Ron was in over his head, but may have found a solution to the problem after asking his father for help. The trio reunited after Harry and Hermione stole the locket from Umbridge and freed some Muggle-born witches and wizards being held by the Muggle-Born Registration Commission, and then escaped, but were forced to abandon Grimmauld Place as a hideout. Ron splinched himself during their escape into the countryside and was weakened by his injury. After receiving some treatment, Ron fretted over the fate of the Cattermoles.

Departure and return

Ron: "Oh, you're sure, are you? Right then, well, I won't bother myself about them. It's all right for you, isn't it, with your parents safely out of the way—"
Harry: "My parents are dead!"
Ron: "And mine could be going the same way!"
— Ron lashes out against Harry.

Afterward, weeks passed with no further progress. This, as well as the locket's negative influence, caused great tension and animosity amongst the group of friends. When he wore the locket, Ron was sullen and suspicious, lashing out at his friends and continuously complaining. Ron abruptly abandoned his friends one evening after getting into a fight with Harry over the additional task of locatingGodric Gryffindor's Sword in order to destroy the locket. He accused Harry of having no plan and of not being very concerned about Ginny, whom they had learned was punished back atHogwarts. When Ron asked if Hermione was going with him and she told him that she was staying, he accused her of choosing Harry over him, and left, despite Hermione screaming and crying for him to come back.

As soon as he was outside the influence of the Horcrux, Ron came to his senses and tried to return. However, he had a run-in with Snatchers first, who interrogated him. Ron claimed to be Stan Shunpike, and then took an opportunity to escape. He Apparatednumerous times to try to find Harry and Hermione, Splinchingfingernails off at one point, but could not find them. He then went to stay with Bill and Fleur at Shell Cottage. Soon after Christmas, Ron used the Deluminator Dumbledore bequeathed him to locate his friends.
Ron made his way to the Forest of Dean, where he arrived just in time to rescue Harry from drowning in a semi-frozen pond. When Ron attempted to use Godric Gryffindor's Sword to destroy the locket, horrible, spectral images of Harry and Hermione came forth which cruelly mocked Ron about his many insecurities including his fears that Hermione would choose Harry over Ron. This brought Ron to the point of tears. However, Ron successfully stabbed the Horcrux with Godric Gryffindor's Sword.
Afterwards, Harry took Ron aside to assuage his fears about Harry and Hermione. Saving Harry's life earned him Harry's forgiveness, but Hermione — who was unaware of what the Horcrux had done — was still furious with him for his abandonment for some time and attacked him mercilessly upon sight until Harry cast the Shield Charm to stop her.

Ambush at Lovegood House

"Aha! That's got to be Luna's house, who else would live in a place like that? It looks like a giant rook!"
—Ron describing the Lovegood's house

Upon his return, Ron was happy to the point of giddiness, because he thought that they had an ally out there somewhere. He sought to hide this happiness when around Hermione in an act of contrition. When Hermione proposed a trip to the Lovegood's house to investigate a recurring symbol, Ron wholeheartedly agreed. Harry privately accused Ron of only agreeing to get back on Hermione's good side, a fact that he did not deny stating, "All's fair in love and war, and this is a little bit of both." The trio learned of the existence of the Deathly Hallows from Xenophilius Lovegood. Xenophilius, worried for his daughter Luna, who was being held hostage by Death Eaters, tried to capture the trio. They narrowly escaped, Hermione engineering it in a way that preserved Ron's alibi of being sick at home. While Harry obsessed over the Hallows, Ron and Hermione thought they should focus on finding the Horcruxes, as Dumbledore had instructed them. During Harry's period of listless obsession, Ron's leadership qualities began to show. He suggested that they search many wizarding settlements for clues if only to be in motion and actively searching.

Skirmish at Malfoy Manor

Bellatrix: "All except...except for the Mudblood."
Ron: "No! You can have me, keep me!"
Bellatrix: "If she dies under questioning, I’ll take you next. Blood traitor is next to Mudblood in my book. Take them downstairs, Greyback, and make sure they are secure, but do nothing more to them — yet."
— Ron and Bellatrix Lestrange in Malfoy Manor

During the Easter holidays of 1998, the trio was captured by a gang of Snatchers led by Fenrir Greyback after Harry broke theTaboo curse on Voldemort's name. Hermione hit Harry with aStinging Hex in order to shield him. Harry, Hermione, and Ron quickly lied and gave fake names; Harry being Vernon Dudley, Hermione being Penelope Clearwater, and Ron being Stan Shunpike. Ron was beaten, his mouth bleeding horribly, and was then forced to use another name, Barny Weasley. They were then brought to Malfoy Manor, where Ron tried to persuade Bellatrix Lestrange to take him for questioning instead of Hermione, but was forced into the dungeon with Harry, Dean Thomas, andGriphook, where they found Luna and Mr. Ollivander, who had been captured at an earlier time.
Hermione was kept upstairs and tortured by Bellatrix, her screams reducing Ron to sobs. The group was saved byDobby, who was sent by Aberforth Dumbledore. He freed Harry and Ron to run upstairs to save Hermione, who managed to lie under torture about where they had obtained Godric Gryffindor's Sword. Ron disarmed Bellatrix after she avoided a chandelier dropped by Dobby, and pulled Hermione from the wreckage of the fallen chandelier, disapparating them both to Shell Cottage, they stayed there with Luna Lovegood, Fleur Delcour, Bill Weasley, Mr. Ollivander, and Griphook.

Gringotts break-In

"This is Dragomir Despard. He speaks very little English, But he is in sympathy with the Dark Lord's aims. He has travelled here from Transylvania to see our new regime."
—Hermione, disguised as Bellatrix Lestrange, introducing a disguised Ron to Travers

There, Hermione recovered and she, Ron, and Harry planned to break intoGringotts Wizarding Bank in order to take Helga Hufflepuff's cup, and aHorcrux, within the Lestrange VaultGriphook the goblin agreed to help them in exchange for Gryffindor's Sword. Ron, knowing that the sword was needed to destroy horcruxes was reluctant to let Harry part with it. He suggested that they delay handing the sword over until the horcruxes were destroyed. As the planning went forward, Ron along with Harry and Hermione found Griphook to be increasingly distasteful. On the morning of 1 May 1998, they broke into Gringotts with Hermione disguised as Bellatrix Lestrange, Ron as a fictional foreign wizard named "Dragomir Despard," and Harry under his Invisibility Cloak with Griphook. As they were headed down into the vaults, the Gringotts defences were set against them, and Ron's disguise melted away. Once in the vault, it was discovered that all the treasure had Geminio and Flagrante spells put on them. Although they were betrayed by Griphook, the trio obtained Helga Hufflepuff's cup and escaped the wizarding bank on the back of a dragon.

The Battle of Hogwarts

"They can help. We don't know where it is. We've got to find it fast. We don't have to tell them it's a Horcrux."
—Ron persuades Harry to let Dumbledore's Army help find Ravenclaw's diadem

After getting off the dragon escaping from the wizarding bank, Ron saw Harry having one of his visions. He was told that Lord Voldemort finally knew that they were hunting Horcruxes and that the final one was at Hogwarts. To that end, Harry, Ron, and Hermione apparated under theInvisibility cloak to Hogsmeade looking for a way into Hogwarts. They were soon cornered by Death Eaters set to watch the town. Ron drew his wand ready to fight them, but Harry suggested that advantage lay in stealth and that attacking would give away their position. Once the Death Eaters ordered dementors to search the town for the trio, they found refuge in theHog's Head. After a heated discussion with the proprietor who turned out to be Aberforth Dumbledore, they were lead into Hogwarts by Neville Longbottom. They arrived in the Room of Requirement and found that the reformed Dumbledore's Army was hiding out there. Ron helped persuade Harry to let the others help.

While Harry searched for Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem, Ron and Hermione entered the Chamber of Secrets to retrieve basilisk fangs. Ron mimicked the Parseltongue he had heard Harry use to open Salazar Slytherin's locket and succeeded in gaining entrance to the Chamber. Hermione used the fangs to destroy the Horcrux of Helga Hufflepuff's cup, and they then reunited with Harry. When Ron expressed desire to evacuate the house-elves from the Hogwarts Kitchens, Hermione, who had always been concerned for creatures so often mistreated by society, was so touched that she ran and nuzzled and kissed him, much to Ron's delight. However, their kiss was interrupted by Harry, who pointed out that there was a war going on. Harry, Ron, and Hermione entered the Room of Requirement to find Ravenclaw's diadem, but were ambushed byMalfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle. When Crabbe unleashed a cursed fire, the trio escaped by means of broomsticks; Harry saved Draco, and Ron and Hermione saved Goyle. They then witnessed the death of Ron's brother Fred in combat, which devastated Ron, who wanted revenge. Hermione managed to calm him by reminding him that they would have to fight on their way to finding Nagini, Voldemort's final Horcrux. The trio made their way to theShrieking Shack, and witnessed the snake kill Severus Snape on Voldemort's orders. While dying, Severus Snape's memories leaked out of him, which Harry collected into a glass vial. During the pause in the Battle of Hogwarts, Ron went to the Great Hall, where Bill comforted him over Fred's death and Hermione comforted Ginny. Harry went up to Dumbledore's office and emptied Snape's memories into the Pensieve. He entered the Pensieve and finally learned the truth of of it all. After emerging from the Pensieve, he made use of the distraction to slip out and confront Voldemort. Following his alleged death, the battle resumed, and Ron and Neville Longbottom brought Fenrir Greyback down together. Ron witnessed Harry defeat Lord Voldemort once and for all, and survived the battle without serious injury.

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